Sunday, July 12, 2009

I got as far as the nail salon, and then I must have had the slowest manicurist on earth, but she did make me smile when she asked me 'you wann flowa lady?' and they were playing techno music like from the Jackass movie that was making me crazy, it was like torture for 2 hours! I'll tell ya I don't have a speck of patience or energy when it's this hot! If I have to account for any accomplishments today, the list isn't going to look very impressive :(

Well, I did manage to make some homemade chile rellenos, I had been wanting to try to make those for the longest time! They were pretty good too, not as crispy as if they had been deep fried, I'll admit, but still good. I did make the mistake of opening a can of chipotle chili sauce and spooning that over the chicken (I made that to go with the chile rellenos) without tasting it, and OMG it was so hot! I won't make that mistake again, it was even hot to Jim who loves hot food, lol!

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