Thursday, July 9, 2009

Prequil to the fabulous vacation ...

Hi Alz! Hope you guys got some rest on the lonnnggg flight to Lisbon and are ready to hit the ground running ...
Gracie has graciously agreed to pose for photos daily in order to keep you updated. You may also find other random photos from home here from time to time, LOL, scary huh!
Looking forward to hearing about your first day once you have a chance to get settled. You all are going to have such a good time! Be sure to write down all the funny phrases (themes!) of the trip and to keep things for your scrapbook.
Love you Sweets!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you, my BG. Can't wait for a note and maybe a pic from you. We are picturing mentally the excitement you must be experiencing. Your Mom followed your flight on computer yesterday. (Of course you knew she would.) Give "Hank" a hug for me and above all savor every moment. Luv ya,
