Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day One

Ok, soooo, here we go then ...

I miss you!!! Oh, ok, I can already hearing you saying, "Mom, Oh My God, I know how to take care of myself!" =) but, you know I had to say it, I mean I had to I'm a mom after all ...

... Gracie had a great day! I was a little worried, I have to admit, when I couldn't find her when I woke up this morning, but shortly she appeared, poking her nose out from under the blanket. She slept like a rock ... unfortunately, Oz did not, so we were up by about 6:30am, which was fine because even at that I was still late to work!

Tonight she was the Spaz Queen so I took her out front on the grass. She loved it and ran around like crazy so hopefully she will sleep well again tonight. Her and the cat have come to some sort of truce today, maybe it's the heat, haha!

I followed your flight on so I could see if it was on time, late, whatever (you know how I am!), and just to see that you all landed safely in D.C. Watching now to be sure you land in Paris on time which will be about 10:26pm PDT. A long day of travel and you all still have one more connection to catch before you call it a day ...

I'm at home having left over Panda Express (yum!), Jim is at a soccer meeting of some kind so I'm going to play online and see what's on TV (if anything!). Will be waiting to hear from you and am sooooo looking forward to your updates!

I'll try to remember to be on iChat tomorrow and next week at work in case you happen to log on! Be sure to give Henry and his family my love! Laugh and enjoy <3


  1. Hi Mom! Awww the HUA looks sooooo cute out in the sun with her grandma! LOL. Well, we are in Lisbon now... LONG day let me tell you. I will write all about days 1 and 2 in my blog (even though it was one huge long day for me since i barely slept. But just wanted to let you know that we are here and safe in our hotel!!! I miss HUA!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yay! Glad you are there safe and sound! Isn't it exhausting? I hope you get some rest soon so you can re-energize! Love you a bunch and can't wait to read about what you've been up to! I'm on iChat don't forget if you get a chance!

    xoxoxo <3 mom

  3. OK! I'll try Gracie's blog. Your note of day one was interesting and looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. The pics were good. Lisbon looks to be a gorgeous place.
    Very hot here today. Just talked to your mom and she and Jim may come over and cool off in the pool later. In other'a do nothing, a/c day.
    Write us more when you can. You are making lots of beautiful memories!
    Love to you and Henry.
