Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Four

Well, It's not even noon yet so who knows what the rest of the day will bring! I haven't even gotten as far as the shower yet, yeah, it's going to be a super lazy day! You can see that Gracie feels the same way ... Geez, I guess I have a lot of pictures of her sleeping huh. Just look at that cute little cow belly! But rest assured, she has her Crackie spells, this morning early she would just not stop, her little teeth have actually got me twice on my right hand, lol!

I'm going to look for a third class to add to my schedule today, see what is still open that will fit with my schedule. Since I only took the one class last semester I'm kind of afraid of overload though, you know how you are really excited to sign up for all the classes but when the work starts rolling in you wonder, 'what was I thinking!' ...

More to come later, that is, if anything interesting happens!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! Just poked my nose out the door thinking I would go to the nursery, pick up some small plants to brighten up my huge back yard and work on the patio a bit. Not today!! Summer plus finally got here! I'm going to read inside near the fan and a/c. That makes it a non cook day, too.
    Well, Aly I'm sure anything I could tell you about what is going on here would be boring compared to what you are doing. I can say though that I have been so excited for you the past few days. I am on a high myself just thinking of your wonderful experience. The pictures from yesterday are truly beautiful. It looks like such a peaceful atmosphere. I am looking forward to seeing all the pictures when you get home and hearing of your adventures. You may want to compile all into a book and album.
    Got to get busy........sewing (ugh). Take care of yourself and continue to enjoy. Love you much and Henry too.
